Topline Cricket is the original cricket training facility in Melbourne’s outer east. Our premium facilities have been servicing players and clubs for over a decade.
We have nine indoor lanes available for use by you and your mates, all year round. Six feature long run-ups while three are shorter and normally house bowling machines, but these can be removed to allow for maximum training participation. Topline is the home of pre-season, wet weather, and general-purpose club training sessions. Our retractable nets are ideal for group clinics, creating a large space for a variety of activities.
We have other large spaces set aside for putting bags down and padding up, along with an upstairs viewing area – the perfect place to sit and watch your child train.
Behind this viewing area is ‘Not Quite The Long Room’; a classroom-sized space which is perfect for AGMs, presentations, pre-session rev-ups, and any other cricket meetings. ‘Not Quite The Long Room’ is even available for corporate events and group fitness sessions.
2 x Bola Machines with AutoFeeder (Lanes 2 and 3)
One Crick Attack '3- Wheeler' on Lane 1
Bowling Machines can be added onto Lanes 8 and 9
1 x BOLA Junior Machine (auto-feeder)
Coaching & Lane booking
Topline has 9 cricket lanes, function room with projector, full retail cricket shop, male, female, and special access restrooms, along with ample parking. Requests for lane booking and coaching will be processed in 24 hours and the academy administrator will contact you.
Function Room
A large open room that can be setup as a class room using our projector and large screen. It can be configured into a round table conference room as well
Wether the it is rain, hail or shine our Nets are available. Call us is you wish to book a lane or a coach. This must be done 24 hours in advance during preseason of each year. July to late September.
Retail Shop
We have a well stocked retail outlet that looks after all your cricketing needs from bats, balls, protective gear to clothing and shoers
Coffee and Tea Facilities
We have a kitchen and that offer coffee and tea making facilities operating on a honour system with a sandwich grill and microwave available

Bowlilng Coach
Local and International coaches provide tips and technique corrections to improve batting performance.
Batting Coach
Local and International coaches provide tips and technique corrections to improve batting performance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I book a lane over the phone ?
After additional practise time call us on the phone and we can arrange a booking of one of our lanes to be available for you.
How many people can use the lane in a single booking ?
Our bookings are tailored to 4 people using a lane at any one time
What is the cost of a casual booking ?
During the off season the cost of hiring a lane is $20 per hour for 4 people and $25 per hour with a bowling machine. Call us to discuss availability of a lane and the time to suit. During preseason which runs from August 1st until March 31st the cost is $30 per hour for a lane and $35 with a bowling machine whilst the half hourly rates are $15 and $20 respectively.
Can I book a coach in conjunction with a Lane ?
We have variety of coaches available for bookings. They can be booked on a regular basis with a lane. The normal price is $45 per half hour period but the price may vary according to the expertise of the coach and the program that they are running.
What Special training equipment is available ?
On Lane 8 we have cameras set up that play back your cricket action with a 10 second delay allowing you to review your stroke or bowling action and make a correction based on your coaching advise.
What is the cost of individual coaching ?
This is dependent on the level of the coaching required and can be discussed directly with Topline Staff.